Introducing Heathbourne Green

How does Heathbourne Green respond to local challenges? 

Trulocom is looking to submit an outline planning application in the coming months for a development that will include approximately 1,300 new homes, of which 40% will be affordable, comprising a diverse, innovative and balanced mix of housing types and tenures in an attractive landscaped and natural setting which will create a truly mixed, cohesive and sustainable community catering largely for an ageing population. 

This will include: 

  • Rightsizer market homes – older people and couples moving from a family house to accessible and more appropriately designed single storey home 
  • Extra care homes – older or younger people with physical and mental care needs living within a community with nearby healthcare 
  • Key worker affordable homes – working age individuals and young families working on site or in local businesses in services and health 
  • Social rent homes – older and younger people with need of additional support 
  • Family self build homes – working age families building a home to their own specification with intergenerational flexibility 

Heathbourne Green will offer an integrated health and wellness hub, publicly accessible open spaces, local independent shops and cafes as well as providing a home for a range of charitable social enterprises and community led organisations whose primary purpose is to improve the physical and mental wellbeing of Heathbourne Green residents and the wider community. 

The proposals aim to include: 


  • a new health and wellness hub with GP services, post surgery rehab and diagnostics 
  • a hospice 
  • high street healthcare facilities 
  • extensive walking routes to promote walking as part of daily exercise 


  • new public open spaces including an informal park, new walking routes a village green, play areas and physic gardens 
  • shared dementia friendly food production facilities 
  • talking benches 
  • outdoor community and event space 


  • a new accessible mobility hub 
  • onsite nursery 
  • restaurants, cafes, shops 
  • visitor accommodation 
  • places of worship 


  • affordable hybrid working space 
  • ‘make and do’ spaces for start-up businesses 
  • social enterprise community hub 
  • training centre with opportunities for upskilling and options to build apprenticeship skills in local sectors 

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