Heathbourne Green’s context and evolution…
Local Plan Context
Heathbourne Green was identified as a suitable site for development in the previous draft Local Plan. The allocation provided for the creation of a sustainable new neighbourhood, with a significant proportion of specialist housing for older people, a local centre and a GP surgery, as well as for 40% of all new homes to be affordable housing. The new community would also provide for a range of lifestyle retail, employment, and communal spaces, as well as spaces that could be used by faith groups.
The site is formerly a landfill site with poor quality agricultural potential. The site is within the Green Belt, and any development will need to demonstrate Very Special Circumstances to secure approval. There are a considerable number of ‘very special circumstances’ that are outlined in this exhibition, that illustrate the significant benefits of Heathbourne Green which we believe outweigh any the impacts of building on this former landfill site.
Heathbourne Green would create a ground-breaking approach to healthy placemaking and community planning. The site is well-connected to the existing centres of Bushey, Elstree and Borehamwood and provides an opportunity to create an integrated, vibrant community in Hertsmere. We believe that Heathbourne Green would be a remarkable place to live.
The site is enclosed by the strong boundary of the M1 and A41, which means creating an extension to Bushey at Heathbourne Green would not create a precedent for further development or risk the merging of towns. The development would be well designed with strong green edges and sensitive development massing, which would limit any sense of encroachment of urban development on the countryside. Any other harms would be minimised through careful design and planning.