Environment and sustainability 

As part of the proposals, the project team is committed to achieving at least a 10% biodiversity net gain. This will be done through new planting and creation of accessible green spaces as well as retaining the on-site woodland for both new and existing residents to enjoy. Our proposals for Heathbourne Green are landscape-led, with green space and wildlife being delivered for all to enjoy. In addition, we are taking active measures to both preserve existing habitats and to create new ones, leading to a further increase in eco-diversity. 


The development actively includes Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) to limit surface water runoff to the existing greenfield rate, preventing an increase. Meetings with Hertfordshire County Council have occurred, and SuDS will also provide amenity and biodiversity benefits. Our emerging drainage strategy aligns with guidance and planning policy, however we will always look to improve local situations where this is possible and would welcome recommendations on how to achieve this. 

We are currently surveying the existing ditches and are undertaking site specific hydraulic modelling. This modelling will quantifiably show the existing and proposed floodplain and will work to ensure that the development does not increase flood risk in the locality. 

Indicative sketch imagery 

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