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Heathbourne Green Supporter Portal. 

Trulocom has recently submitted a planning application to reclaim a previous landfill site to create an exemplar and innovative phased Intergenerational Continuing Care Community development based on principles of social prescribing and Age Friendly place-making. 

The development will comprise of: age-friendly and inclusive homes as well as independent living and housing with care and support; care facilities; clubhouse building for local residents; lifestyle facilities – open for the local community; open spaces, park and natural green spaces, play and outdoor sports facilities, community growing facilities; a new transport hub; highways improvements; new cycle routes and footpaths; and infrastructure works to provide improved local drainage. 

Please complete the form below to send your support directly to Hertsmere Borough Council.  

Please note your views and personal data will be shared with Hertsmere Borough Council and registered alongside Trulocom’s planning application for Heathbourne Green.

You can also view a copy of our Data Protection Policy and GDPR statement here.

Support registration

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How are you connected to the borough?